I offer 3 different plans, depending on how involved you want to be in this process:

0) TPP Free - Is this right for you discussion:

In the initial call, I spend the first few minutes discussing if this is right for you. If we decide this is not for you, this talk is entirely free.

1) TPP Silver:

In this plan, I offer an initial one-time consultation for an hour at a price of $300. In this plan:

a) We go over the pre-requisites to get started

b) Your travel goals and style

c) Tooling and knowledge to get started

d) Next steps, as of the consultation.

2) TPP Gold:

In this plan, I offer all the benefits of the Silver plan plus a 30-minute catch-up every 2 months. This is designed to keep your goals on track; think of it as an accountability partner or personal trainer.

The cost of this plan is $1000 annually.

3) TPP Platinum:

In this plan, I offer all the benefits of the Gold plan plus a lot more personalized and frequent assistance.

The cost of this plan is based on a contingency basis, based on the savings I deliver for you.

Contact me for more details on any of this.