Why Does Every One Need a Credit Cards Strategy Coach?

American consumers and small businesses owners are spending thousands of dollars a month, blissfully unaware, that they are missing out on getting great value in return. By utilizing a Credit Cards strategy coach, you can maximize the return on this spending, in terms of cashback rewards, miles or points to pay for business or personal travel spending.

You are already paying for these rewards…

So what is the secret and where are these rewards coming from?

In one word:  Complexity

We all pay for this in one way or another already, in terms of swipe fess, interchange fees etc.  This is how the banks are able to fund miles/points or cashback.  Their airline and hotel partners know everyone loves collecting points, but no one understands how to use them. The frequent flyer rules are complex, making you wake up at midnight and jump through hoops to find and book the flights that you want.

They know you want the flights and hotels. They know there is nothing you can do but to play by their rules.

We like how they have created such an excellent (and complex) business, but think the rewards should be shared more equally.  We discovered there was a specific way that he could get business class and first class tickets at less than half-price.

Thinking that it was a simple idea, he has since been surprised at how difficult it has been for most people to understand how credit cards and reward points interact with frequent flyer points and award seat bookings.

And this explains the reason that while most companies have a credit card, they have yet to gain the full travel benefits on offer.

Why is that so? The answer begins at: they don’t have a CC Strategy coach.

This critical mistake is costing you and business owners a fortune in missed-out travel savings, cashback savings year on year. The owners are great at what they do, but do not have a clue in understand the specific nuances of leveraging the value of points to claim their business class flight benefits.

 Why A CC Strategy Coach?

If you or your business requires some form of travel or even just a better rate of return from your spending, you’ll benefit from employing a CC Strategy coach.

The major airline, hotel and credit card reward systems and programs out there are designed to be complex. Even once you’ve earned the points, how do you use them effectively to fly?

There are multiple factors and considerations to understand, when it comes to creating a working plan to use points in your company.

So how can you know if you are doing it right? You could spend hours researching and trialing, or instead, let a coach guide your business to the right outcome, and continues to help you stay on top of the game.

Without a coach, you or your business could be missing out or losing value everyday. You simply don’t know what you don’t know, and trying to implementing any strategy alone is a recipe for loss.

With a coach, your business is positioned to succeed. You can earn points effectively with a proper plan in place, and use those points to reduce the cost of travel significantly.

The best part there is nothing you have to lose or need to pay to get started. Get in touch today so we can craft the best strategy.

Like Rod said in Jerry Maguire “Show me the money” and I am here to do just that.